Why you should use Magento 2 Google recaptcha and how to add it into your site

Magento 2 google recaptcha helps to distinguish between a bot and a real user and divert spam emails away from your inbox. This involves using a small test such as identifying letters, performing basic calculations or choosing images that match a description. Usually, this pops up after you try to submit an online contact form. If you pass the test successfully, your email will be received by the business you are trying to contact. 

It’s thought that as many as 200 million captcha tests are completed online in Google Recaptcha every day. If you’ve not got a captcha test on your own website, here’s everything you need to know about them and how they can benefit your business or blog.

1. What is Google Recaptcha?

Google Recaptcha is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse. This service uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease. In other words, Google Recaptcha is a tool that helps to distinguish a human user from a computer user online. Captcha tests are often added to websites to stop them from receiving spam.

2. What does Google Recaptcha look like?

Google Recaptcha recognizes that people can sometimes feel like they’re wasting their time filling in a captcha form. So, when a user arrives at a web page, Google Recaptcha analyses the behavior of that user to see how human-like it is. If the service deems the behavior to be pretty life-like, it won’t serve up a complete captcha test. It will only ask the user to tick a box to confirm ‘I am not a robot’. If there’s anything robotic about the way the user interacts with a page, however, they’ll be asked to solve a more complicated captcha test.

3. How do captcha tests work?

At present, computer programs lack the sophistication that humans have when it comes to processing visual data. Human minds are hard-wired to pick up on patterns in everything they see. People often see patterns where they are none – such as a face in the moon or the outline of Elvis on a burnt bit of toast. This phenomenon is called pareidolia. Computers, meanwhile, can be programmed to recognize letters and numbers. However, they stop recognizing them when they are obscured or distorted too much.

4. What are the benefits of Google Recaptcha?

Installing captcha software on your website poses many benefits. As mentioned previously, it can prevent your inbox from filling up with pointless or even offensive spam emails from bots. This reduces the risk of false leads. Additionally, it can prevent hackers from continuously trying passwords to gain access to accounts. Also, Google Recaptcha reduces potential user’s error when entering a series of letters and numbers, and encourages cart conversion without adding hurdles during checkout. Overall, using Google Recaptcha makes your business more secure and the emails you receive better quality. Essentially captchas deter hackers from abusing online services because they block robot software from submitting fake or nefarious online requests.

To be more specific, Google Recaptcha can:

  • Protect the integrity of online polls by stopping hackers using robots to send in repeated false responses.
  • Stop brute force attacks on online accounts in which hackers repeatedly try to log-in using hundreds of different passwords.
  • Prevent hackers from signing up for multiple email accounts that they’ll then go on to use for nefarious purposes.
  • Stop cybercriminals spamming blogs or news content pages with dodgy comments and links to other websites.
  • Prevent ticket touts from using robots to bulk buy tickets for shows and gigs.
  • Make online shopping more secure.

We – MageSolution has released Google reCAPTCHA for Magento 2 extension, coming with a lot of features for users to config at the backend:

  • Disable/Enable in backend
  • Can add reCaptcha to any form on front-end
  • Two types of reCaptcha: “Invisible Captcha” and “I’m not robot”
  • Supported for multiple languages
  • Option for light theme and dark theme
  • Option to add reCaptcha for Guest only
  • Add Whitelist Ips to disable reCaptcha

How to add Google reCaptcha into Magento 2

Firstly, you need to register your domains with Google reCAPTCHA. To make this, move to http://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html and then click “Get reCAPTCHA”. Here you will find a form to register for reCAPTCHA for use in your domains.

  • Label: Enter label for the site.
  • Domains: Enter all the domains for which you need to use reCAPTCHA.

1. Configuration

  • Install Free Google reCAPTCHA Extension for Magento store
  • After install the extension successfully, navigate to Google reCAPTCHA -> Configuration to configure this module for use.

2. General Configuration Settings

  • Enable: Enable or disable your Google reCAPTCHA module from here.
  • Site Key: Fill the site key you have got while registering for Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Secret Key: Fill the secret key you have got while registering for Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Recaptcha theme: Choose your preferred Google reCAPTCHA theme either light or dark.
  • Recaptcha on Contact Us: Allow you to easily enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA on Magento 2 contact us page from here.
  • Recaptcha on Customer Registration: Allow you to enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA on the Magento 2 front-end customer registration page.
  • Recaptcha on Product Review: Allow you to enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA on Magento 2 frontend product review page from here.
  • Recaptcha on Checkout Register Page: Allow you to enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA on Magento 2 checkout register page.
  • Recaptcha on Newsletter Subscription: Allow you to enable or disable Google reCAPTCHA on frontend newsletter subscription.
  • At the end after making changes to all the fields as per your preference, Save Config.

3. Front-end View:

After you save the configurations, you can see Google reCAPTCHA enabled on the page you have enabled in the frontend. Have a look at the below-given on pages where Google reCAPTCHA can be visible through your site


By having a lot of great features, Google Recaptcha remains a wildly popular method of protection for websites. This is definitely not the only defense you can implement, but being one of the simplest and most efficient. At Magesolution, you can hire certified Magento developers to work on your new or existing online store. From website development service to maintenance & support services, no matter what your needs are, our Magento Development Packages will all provide you the most effective solution to help your online business grow and sustain. With over 14 years of experience, we came to giving effective solutions to over 1,000 happy clients. Contact us for a free consultation!