How to optimize conversion rate and boost sales instantly

With the current lifestyle, online business has become more develop all over the world. For online business owners, starting with an eCommerce website can help their brand approach to many clients in different locations. The objectives when building an E-commerce website are to attract visitors and make them leave your store purchase. The process when a visitor becomes a client is called conversion. The conversion rate will illustrate your website work well or not.

When the site performs ineffectively in turning traffic into revenue, the conversion rate of this website will below. Therefore, the marketers have to remember some proper solutions to optimize conversion rate and to motivate the transaction decisions. 

Further reference: When is the right time to redesign Magento Ecommerce Website?

What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is a systematic process of enhancing the percentage of web visitors. To optimize conversion rate, the web owner has to understand the viewers’ activities carried out on the store and indicate what can make your site perform well. The conversion takes place only when the optimization is appropriate.

conversion rate optimization

What is the way to calculate the conversion rate?

Conversion rate depends on visitors who became clients and total visitors of the website, and it is calculated by the following formula:

Conversion rate = (conversions/total visitors) * 100%

For instance: The number of clients converted from visitors is 3000, the total visitors are 30000. So the conversion rate will be: 3000/30000  * 100% = 10%

Nowadays, because of big data advancement, almost information, activities on the Internet can be recorded. There are many useful tools can help calculate the conversion rate automatically to provide the owners with the exact views about their web performance.

Some helpful ways to boost conversion rate instantly

Change products’ descriptions

Buyers tend to deeply explore the product they are going to purchase so they usually ignore the unclear product’s origin, which is the reason for the low conversion rate. 

With value information, the products are able to get the viewers’ belief and convince them to leave with a purchase. 

Some sellers supposed that buyers hate reading a long item’s description. It is a mistake which makes the conversion rate can not increase because almost clients buying an item on Ecommerce website choose shop which gives the product information detail as complete as possible. 

So, a good description can make visitors believe in your store and become your clients.

Improve the products’ image and video quality

The limitation of online shopping is that clients depend on description, images, and videos to make a decision in purchasing. They do not have other ways to check the reliability of products but absolutely relying on the information on an eCommerce store. 

Some businesses suppose that quality images are unnecessary and they hesitate to spend the amount of money on them. But the reality showed the images and videos play an important role in attracting visitors and boost website. The images and videos with high quality work as a credibly visual presentation so the sellers should focus on them to increase conversion. 

Shipping offer

For online shopping clients, the delivery fee is also their concerns when they are going to buy something. Because of the diversity of Ecommerce websites nowadays, clients have so many choices to “leave their money”. So they will choose the store with the cheapest delivery fee to buy their desiring items. 

According to the general clients’ psychology, providing free shipping for the great value orders and discount for the lower will be a good way to attract viewers and motivate the website conversion rate.

Review and Rating ability

As the information was mentioned above, clients tend to find out the products and their supplier before paying. Besides the information from suppliers, they will be convinced because of the rating and the review from the last clients. 

It is important to set up Rating bar at the eye-catching position. With a good Rating, your website can get traffic easily. Next, the web inside has to contain Reviews tab and place it in the visible position so that the visitors can see it easily and the clients can leave their comments conveniently as well.

Give coupon code

One of the reasons people use online shopping is the promotion after purchasing. Depending on the bill to give clients a coupon code with time-limited. The coupon is the immediate benefits that almost clients can see and they decide to get it without thinking about their ability to return the store. This method can shorten time to make the decision of visitor and motivate conversion process of the store. 

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