Website Speed Test: Benefits And Important Tool

Website speed test is essential to maintaining a high-functioning online presence. Today, having a website that looks great is not enough. It also needs to load quickly and work seamlessly. A slow-loading website not only turns off potential visitors but can also inhibit the success of a company’s broader digital marketing campaigns.

Benefits of a Website Speed Test

Website Speed

A website speed test is a simple way to gain valuable insight into the state of your company’s site. By taking a number of factors into account (aside from just page load time), website speed test often reveals back-end issues. These issues may be stifling your online lead generation efforts and conversion rates.

Here are a few of the benefits of performing regular website speed tests:

  • Prevent Conversion Sabotage: Page load time is the cornerstone of a website’s user experience. According to research by KISSMetrics, 40 percent of users will abandon a website if the page load time exceeds three seconds. The same study also found that a one-second delay in page response could result in a seven percent reduction in conversions. For all types of businesses and industries, even a slight delay in load time could negatively impact traffic, conversions, and lead generation.
  • Maintain Search Rankings: For the past few years, major search engines including Google have started factoring page load speeds into their organic search algorithms. If you’ve noticed a drop in your website’s placement among relevant search terms, speed (or a lack thereof) could be the culprit. Running consistent website speed test help to ensure your site stays at the top of search results.
  • Protect Paid Search Investment: Similar to its organic search algorithms, Google penalizes companies’ paid search results if their websites load too slowly. Page load time also counts towards a firm’s AdWords landing page quality score. A lower quality score can result in higher paid search costs and decreased ad exposure.
  • Identify Improvement Areas: Ultimately, running a website speed test on your company can bring bottlenecks to the surface, helping to determine precisely what’s stifling load time. Often, minor changes to the front or back end of a website can have a major impact, such as converting background images to JPG, caching static content like CSS files, or hosting custom fonts on the Google content delivery network rather than the local server.

Improving Your Business with a Tool Website Speed Test

As the fight for customers and market share shifts to a digital battlefield, you cannot understate the importance of a fast, functioning website. Carving out time for a website speed test on a regular basis can be the difference between an underperforming site and one that generates valuable business results.

1. PageSpeed ​​Insights


PageSpeed Insight by Google

This is one of the most popular website speed test tools and is Google’s own company. The tool provides information about the speed of your site (for a desktop computer and a mobile device), what problems the site has, which tests have passed correctly, and more. With Google’s tool, you can see some key speed metrics:

  • First Contentful Paint (FCP) – the time when the first text or images are displayed.
  • Speed ​​Index – The speed Index shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated.
  • Time to Interactive (TTI) – The time when the page becomes completely interactive, one that you can work with.

2. Test My Mobile Site


Test My Mobile Site by Google

Another tool created by Google has processed the website speed test on mobile devices. The tool presents in a different way the problems that exist on the site when surfing the mobile phone.

3. Pingdom



A great tool that allows you to see the speed of your site. The tool displays in a different way than Google the speed of your site, the page weight in kilobytes/megabytes, the number of server requests, the time of loading the site, and more.

The site presents a breakdown of the information according to the type of content found on the site, content weight, by domain, and a description according to the manner of the requests in chronological order.

4. GTmetrix



Another nice tool is possible to see the speed of your site. The tool uses Google’s tool data and additional YSlow tools and displays the notes according to these tools together. You can also see screenshots, videos, and some interesting things.


Website speed is a crucial factor to ensure your website performance. If the loading of the website is too slow, it will make customers want to leave and don’t want to come back. In that case, it happens over a long time which makes your revenue decrease. Therefore, you should check the website speed frequently. Through this topic, we hope you can know more about these tools that help boost your loading site. If you have any questions, contact us via the contact form. We are ready to support you with our Magento Website Development service.


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